Saturday, December 22, 2012

End of the World Ride 2012

End of the World Ride 2012 took us on some nice backroads in the Weatherford and Aledo area of Texas.  The ride was focused on this possibly being our last group ride if the Mayans were right!  Did we really believe it?  Well, the turn out was 29 bikes on Sunday afternoon so.............maybe..........

Anyway, the day turned out wonderful, especially for mid December when we should be wading around in snow drifts getting ready for Christmas.  The high was 73 degrees and calm with riders in short sleeve shirts.  You could feel the sun on your chest throughout the ride. Overall, another awesome ride and hopefully the Mayans were WRONG!!!!

A couple months ago Margaret bought me one of those GoPro Hero 2 motorsport video cams.  I had been playing with it a bit but havent had much time to really work with it.  I had recorded a bit of riding footage but then ran into decent video editing software issues.  The device comes with format conversion software but not editing software that will allow you to piece together clips, add music, fades, slides, etc.  I had an older copy of Adobe Premiere 6.0 but it didnt have the capability of utilizing the HD1080p and HD720p that the camera was capable of recording at.  Fortunately my son mentioned that he still had Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9.0 that we had bought him a couple years back when he was wanting to play with video editing.  He never really got into it and hasnt used it so he offered to let me install it.  That solved the resolution issue.  The app is great and has very in depth features that Im going to have to learn.  I was able to take my clips from the End of the World Ride and make them into my first short riding video.  Its not the greatest and no one is doing any wheelies or stunts but I did try to use footage that keeps some interest while watching. Try using the 720p HD settings option for a sharp detailed video.

End of the World Ride 2012 Video

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fort Worth Harley Chapter Christmas Party 2012

December 8, 2012 brought about the chapters Christmas Party at Billy Bobs!  The dress code for the event was Ritz and Redneck.  There seemed to be a pretty good balance between the two dress styles for the night.  Margaret and I went Ritz.  That was a story in itself.  For a couple weeks before the party she was trying on old dresses trying to get the right look.  Every night she would whine about how she looked in a certain dress.  After being asked for an honest opinion on how she looked in one dress our boys said she looked anorexic.  She was crushed, and whined even more. So that being said, on the Friday night before the party we spent the evening shopping for elegant dresses.  After hours of shopping and failure, we happened to come across a woman’s formal wear store in the mall and found almost immediately the dress that would soon be hers.  It was complete agreement the moment we saw it.  Normally the shop will send it off to a tailor to have the length fit since they leave the bottom long but seeing as there was no time for that, Margaret did the sewing herself when she got home with one of her fancy sewing machines.  We also bought some cosmetic jewelry that matched the waist thingy that came with the dress.

Upon entry everyone received a raffle ticket that would later be used to win prizes and gift cards.  The evening began with a bit of socialization then.......foooood.  We had chicken wrapped in bacon, BBQ brisquet, mashed potatoes, green beans, and some fruit parfait thingy and I had a shiner bock, then another, then another, get the point.

The entertainment for the night consisted of Casino games.  Showing our raffle ticket got us 20K worth of chips to gamble with.  The top 3 winners at each table at the end of the casino game time were entered into a raffle for prizes.  Margaret and I played blackjack and did fair.  She tripled her money and I doubled mine which was good enough to get us into the drawing.  Later I found out that Sue was slipping her chips so that She would be able to gloat about winning more than I.  CHEATER!!!!!! BAH.  I should have won by default from that.

The evening concluded with raffle ticket drawings for riding gear, accessories, and gift cards.  There were some VERY generous amounts of gift cards ranging from $15 up to $1000!!!!!  We both won a drawing and our total take was $65 for the evening in gift cards. 

This was our first chapter Christmas Party and we both enjoyed the experience immensely and Fort Worth Harley went above and far beyond with their generous contributions.

Here are a few pictures from the party.  I didn’t take a bunch of them unfortunately since I was drinking and having a good time instead of snapping pics.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fort Worth Harley Toys For Tots 2012

The day started cool and fresh.  A perfect beginning to a wonderful cause that Fort Worth Harley supports.  We all gathered at the dealership laden with toys for the U.S. Marine Corps. Toys For Tots.  65 bikes total turned out to take part in the ride to the drop off point.  The procession was quite a site going down one of the busiest commercial streets in Fort Worth.  Our road captains did a superb job guiding the procession and making sure our way was clear.  Upon arrival everyone donated multiple toys and we took a lot of group photographs with the Marines onsite.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Wise County Toy Run 2012

Destination- Decatur to Bridgeport!

We started the ride at Fort Worth Harley and rode parade style to Decatur.  It was an amazingly beautiful day with temps reaching 80 by early afternoon.  Even the ride to the dealership was warm at 10am.  The nice weather brought out a lot of riders that probably would not have considered coming out otherwise.  I didnt count but by the amount of bikes it looked to be about 80 chapter members.

Upon arrival in Decatur we either payed the $10 or presented a toy for the entry fee.  The meetup was at Decatur Intermediate School parking lot and it was jammed full of bikes.  MC's, RC's, RG's, Independants, and individuals from all over North Texas and Oklahoma were there to support the toy run.  I had a great time wandering around taking pics and looking at all the bikes and bike decorations.  Some people tied toys onto their bikes, others had decorated their bikes with ornaments and garland.  Every where you looked was color and cheer.  Santa hats were prominent, elf outfits were plentiful, and even the occasional reindeer horns could be seen sticking up above the crowd.

Once again, I didnt count, and couldnt count the number of bikes present but it was a great turnout.  Well over 1000 I would presume.  Once the procession began it took over 15 minutes for me to get out of the parking lot. There was a police escort for the entire ride and they blocked intersections for us to have safe travel.  The streets in both Decatur and Bridgeport were lined with people that had parked to watch the parade.  Even on Hwy 380 people were parked to wave and watch the bikes.  Some riders had candy that they would throw as they rode by to groups of kids.  It was funny to watch the kids scramble to get the treats and wave to the bikers in thanks.  A couple of times when the road condition was just right you would crest a hill and see the string of bikes as far ahead as the eye could see.  Visibility was perfect which gave a great view of the parade over the landscape.

The route took us through old downtown Bridgeport and many of the bikers were revving their engines as show for the onlookers.  Our Chapter parked together just outside of the park where the ride ended.  There was Chili for all the participants and it was at this time we gave our donated toys.  Our Chapter didnt stay for any of the events that had been planned, instead choosing to go to a local restaurant to get together and eat.  We went to Yesterday's which was a 50's, 60's diner.  The atmosphere was great and lively with eye candy everywhere.  It was however VERY busy due to the toy run and it seemed that the staff was overrun.  They were having a hard time keeping up and some of our group received our drinks but never got our food.  All was well though, I was one that didnt get my order but I understand how difficult it can be on the staff with a sudden onslaught of hungry bikers.

I left a bit early from the main group and headed home alone since it was getting late and I was hungry.  I couldnt wind down from the excitement of the day so I spent a couple hours going through the pictures and choosing the ones I wanted to use for the blog.  The slideshow worked so well on the last post I decided to do that again.  This time though I played around with some of the photos and did some graphic editing on a few of them instead of just having snapped digital shots displayed.  I am hoping it will give an interesting and different feel throughout the slideshow.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Muenster Ride

Destination Muenster, TX!  This ride was a re-do from the previous attempt that was cancelled due to thunderstorms.

The day started a bit chilly.  When I left for the meetup at 7:45am the temp was showing 47 degrees.  I stopped and topped off the fuel in preparation for a pretty long ride.  We had our regular gathering and went over the group riding rules for safety.  We had a turnout of 27 bikes which was good considering the cool temperature and clouds.  The route consisted of one stop between the dealership and Muenster where we stopped at Doc's Bar and Grill for food and fun.  Then we headed to the Texas Oklahoma border where we got some great pictures before heading home.  The entire ride for me from leaving the house to getting back home was right at 300 miles.  It was a fantastic trip and I am looking forward to the next one!

I tried something different this time for the pictures and created a slideshow.  I figured it would be a better way to get a lot more pictures to view instead of just picking a few that I usually try to decide if they give the impression of the event.

Muenster, TX 2012 Slideshow 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Garage Party!

Tuesday was the chapters Garage Party!  What is that you might ask?  It is an evening at our sponsoring dealership where we learn tips on appropriate clothing for rides, bike customization options, basic maintenance checks, and even how to lift a bike if you drop it.  The party is geared towards the ladies but I find it quite informative myself and have gained some good knowledge on both occasions.  Margaret and I are very grateful to Fort Worth Harley to encourage our chapter to have these parties and to our chapter for setting them up.

The evening started with signing in and getting our raffle tickets.  YUP!  Prizes are given throughout the evening too!

There was also food.  Kim called it finger food but it was more like a meal!  Good stuff and considering both margaret and I had just come from work and didnt have the chance to eat dinner it came at the right time.

Christina greeted us with her good humor and smile.  She is always very welcoming and genuine.

While munching and talking we had a chance to browse the bikes.  They had one of the anniversery addition Fat Boy Lows and also the new Breakout.

We broke into groups that would rotate between the service area, sales, apparel, and parts.  In each department someone would give us valuable tips related to the area they service.  We started in the service area.  The tech gave everyone pointers on clutch, oil checks, tire pressure, tire tread, tranny & primary oil, and drive belt.  Basically he told us what to look for as far as wear and adjustments were concerned.

Our next stop was sales where we got some info on the different families of bikes.

We then moved on to apparel and finally parts.  There was also a table with brochures on various topics including how to pack for a road trip, staying in shape on the road, weightwatchers- eating healthy on the road, and helmet hair tips.

The evening ended with a lesson on how to lift a bike when you drop it.  Margaret tried it this time and was able to lift a road king.  It was quite impressive considering her small size.

I need to put together slide shows for all the pictures I took.  Ill work on that for the next post.  But for now here are pictures of some of the people we have the privilage of knowing and spending time with.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Time Warp Ride

In the spirit of the daylight savings time change our chapter had the Time Warp Ride!  It turned out to be a fabulous day with cool winds and a great turnout of riders.  This ride did not have a restaurant or entertainment stop since it was a quick afternoon get together.  We did put in over a hundred miles though on some very nice scenic roads north of Weatherford, TX.  The destination was Peaster, TX where we made a pit stop.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

2012 Chapter Picnic

October 7, 2012 was a super fun day with our chapter.  This was the annual chapter PICNIC!! WOOOT! The day started early, cold, and dreary sitting at 48 degrees when we left the house.  We bundled up real good and headed to the dealership to meet up for the ride to the picnic site.  The ride took us out to Weatherford and finally to Canyon West Country Club gold course.

Once we arrived the group formed up to ride the golf cart paths in order to kick off the picnic.

I have to say this was totally fun and goofy with all these Harley's riding along the cart paths.  It looks hilarious!  My wife and I were having an incredible time and couldnt stop laughing while we took the trip.

We stopped somwhere around the 9th hole to do a group photo shot on the beautiful waterfall before finishing the 18 holes. :)

After riding the golf course we began the BIKE GAMES! Again we had a great time, lots of laughs with fantastic people.  The first event was the slow drag racing.  You had to stay inside the lines, not put your foot down, and the last person to reach the finish line was the winner.  I did pretty well by placing 2nd overall.

Next came the slow drag race 2 up.  Margaret and I placed 2nd in this event as well.  After that was the tennis ball thingy.  I dont know what its technical name was but the objective was to ride past the cones without touching them or putting your foot down while your passenger placed tennis balls on top of the cones.  Then you turn around and your passenger picks them back up.  We had a great time with this but fell short of placing in the competitition.  Its much harder than you would think!

Then came JOUSTING!  No, not against eachother on bikes trying to knock the other riders off.  Hehe. On this one your passenger had a jousting stick and had to try to get as many pieces of pvc tubing off the top of the cones as possible.  Again, you could not touch the cones or put your foot down.  We did well on this and came in 1rst place.

The last event was the HOG shoot!  Yup, with suction tipped arrows on rubber band crossbow gun things your passenger had to try and hit the hog.  Margaret proved her inability to hunt hogs on this one so I wont be relying on her to feed us in the future using this type of hunting method.

the Hog Shoot ended the events and we headed into the club house for our chapter meeting and lunch.  After a picture of the events 1rst and 2nd place winners the day concluded.

Great day, loads of fun, if you werent there, you missed out!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Kaw Seals

The following work actually occured over a week ago but we had so much going on with the Water4Life ride I decided to wait before posting the work done on the Kaw.  As mentioned previously, there was some leakage occuring around the gear shift lever that had to be dealt with.  I ordered the seals and they arrived promptly.  The chain cover portion of the tranny was already off so I still had to take the outer transmission cover off to get to the seals.  Using an impact wrench, I was easily able to remove the chain sprocket and then take out the multitude of allen bolts to get the cover off.

I performed a visual inspection of the componants on the tranny and everything looked great.

Upon inspection of the cover, I found the leaking culprit!  All along I had assumed it was the shift lever seal.  That seal was actually in very good condition.  It was the main seal instead! And oh how bad it was.  Fortunately I had ordered seals to replace all of them.  If your gonna tear it down, replace them all while your at it.   Below is a visual of the torn main seal and the clutch seal too.  The bad ones are on the left, the new ones are on the right.

I cleaned the covers well and put in the new seals.  Put the new transmission cover gasket on and reinstalled everything.

Once it was all back together I put the oil back in, adjusted the clutch and took it for a ride.  I got about a half mile down the road, pulled the clutch in to shift into 3rd......and......SNAP!  NO CLUTCH!!!  The cable broke right at the clutch lever.  So I idled it back into the garage, removed the outer cover AGAIN, and removed the cable.  I was able to order a new one from Old Bike Barn for $17.  Not bad at all.  Until the cable broke, the bike ran well.  Until the cable arrives I wont be doing anything else to the Kaw.  I still have to replace the fork seals but want to finish this work completely first.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Water for Life Charity Ride 2012

Today was the 3rd Water for Life charity ride sponsored by Fort Worth Harley Davidson.

There was so much going on it was difficult to capture with pictures to even begin to understand the enormity of todays event.  The charity focuses on providing clean safe drinking water to people who have none.  For each rider that participated Fort Worth Harley donated $50.00 to the charity.  There was also a raffle for a 2012 road king and the proceedings from that were also donated to the charity.  What more could you want! A great ride that benefits a fantastic cause!

The event started at Fort Worth Harley at 9am with pancakes for all and a poker walk.  Registration was also open and you recieved a raffle ticket for goodies from that as well.

My wife rode with me on this one so as count as another rider for the charity contribution since passengers also counted.  We arrived about 10am and was surprised at what we saw!  WOW, there were already over 100 bikes there at the staging area!

First thing, REGISTER!!!

Then we spent some time wandering around taking everything in, seeing friends, having a good time with everyone.  The Water for Life group had a tent where you could get detailed information about their organization. While we were there my wife bought some riding glasses and doo-rag.  I got one as well, since she was buying.

I wanted to try and capture the enormity of the event so we went back to the road so I could get some pics of the line of bikes.  In the short time we had been up at the dealership the amount of bikes had doubled! Literally, the final count when the ride began was 225 bikes!  I took a bunch of pics but the line of bikes was so long and went so far back it was impossible to capture them all unless you were airborn.  So what I did was take 3 pictures and stuck them together to form a landscape kind of pic to get an idea of it all.

The Honda dealership wasnt doing anything with their parking lot, they never do, and the line of bikes was getting so long we began staging in their parking lot as well. This ride was open to all bikes so it was considerate of Honda to let us use their parking lot.  Their sales team doesnt care about anyone (I know this firsthand from experience) but at least they were willing to do this small favor.

Then came the word to saddle up and get ready to go!  Everyone began making their way to the bikes.  It took over 30 minutes just to get everyone ready and bikes started for the procession to begin.

The ride route is 22 miles total which starts at the dealership, goes right through the Fort Worth Stockyards, and ends at Billy Bobs Honky Tonk.  Our road captains completely blocked off all crossroads and highway entrances so the ride could stay together parade style.  When we got closer off the freeway a Fort Worth Police Department escort was provided to insure everyone could stay together safely.  I would like to give a big THANKS to our road captains and the fort worth PD for helping to make this ride go so smoothly.

I dont know how far back the line of bikes trailed from start to finish as it was impossible to get a picture of the entire procession at once.  Someone from our chapter took this one from a bridge over the freeway and it gives a small idea of how big this event was.  There are 3 separate pictures taken at different intervals of the procession.

Hehe we made it in one of the pictures!

Once we got closer the Fort Worth PD took over escorting the procession.

When we got just outside of the Stockyards there was a staging area set up so that everyone could get back together from any separations that might have occured during the 22 mile ride.  Again, I tried to capture the essence of the event and kind of stuck 2 pictures together.  The line of bikes was so long we didnt fit on one section of street so they had us parking around a corner.  The picture is taken from the corner pointing both directions and merged together.

My wife just had to take my picture! BLEH!!! HAHAHA!!!

We stayed here for about 10 minutes while the Fort Worth PD went in and around the stockyards to begin blocking the streets for our ride through COWTOWN!!!  It was great, 225 bikes rumbling through the stockyards.  It certainly gave everyone a great deviation from the usual site seeing.

Once we got to Billy Bobs everyone was guided into parking formations.  I was able to get a pretty decent picture by standing on some cattle guards close to the parking lot.  Unfortunatly the picture only covers a few of the bikes but its still pretty kewl.

We got inside and the bull riding arena had been reserved for the grand finale event.

After a short video about Water for Life and a Harley Davidson Road King raffle ticket give away, a check was presented for $69,500 to the charity!  What a great feeling to know you were part of saving lives.  This end result was what the event was all about and for my wife and myself it was personally fullfilling and rewarding to have been a part of.

Thanks to everyone who rode, gave their time, organized, and contributed to this wonderful cause.