Monday, February 25, 2013

Road to the Toad

Destination- Cranfills Gap, TX

This time I rode with the Cowtown Motorcycle Group to the Horny Toad Cafe.  It was my first ride with them and I must say the group was fantastic!  Everyone was very welcoming, genuine, and full of life.  I met a bunch of new people that I look forward to spending time and riding with again. The ride was well planned having rest and fuel stops along the way for even the smallest tank.  We had a safety meeting and went over road protocols for safe riding for any new people that might not have much group riding experience.  I was impressed with the group and have already RSVP'd for another ride with them.  If your in the North Texas area, DFW and surrounding areas, I would encourage you to take a ride with the group, you will love it.  I want to make mention that you can ride any brand or style of bike with Cowtown.  It's about the ride and people, not the type of bike.

Jim called me Saturday wanting what I was doing Sunday and I told him I was riding with Cowtown to The Gap.  He was interested and signed up as well.  Jim, Pat, and I met up at a QT to fill up and ride together to the meetup spot.  We met up at the Texas Smokehouse II in Alvaredo with the group.  It was a good turnout, 14 bikes if I remember correctly. 

Tempuratures in the early morning were reading 39 when I left the house with the forcast saying 70 for the high.  I bundled up well and headed out to meet Jim and Pat. With the wind chill I was a bit frosty when I got to the QT.  Exposed parts of my body had that hard cold kind of pain you get from extreme cold when riding at speed.  That situation went away quickly though and by the time the group took off for the ride I was able to remove my face mask.  Later it was warm enough to the point I even took off my jacket.  You couldn't have asked for a more perfect riding day for February than we experienced.

The ride was planned with more than just riding to The Toad though, Randy, the road captain, stopped at a couple of cemeteries along the way to look for resting spots of fallen soldiers so he could add them to his list for the Cowtown Motorcycle Group Memorial Day run.  They go to remote cemeteries and leave flags on the resting places of soldiers that may have been overlooked.  The thoughtfulness of this moved me and gave me a good insight of the heart of this group to be thinking of memorializing forgotten soldiers four months ahead of time.

We did the usual thing that bikers do upon arrival, talk bikes, experiences, laugh, eat, get to know one another, etc. before heading out for the trip home.  I want to throw this little piece of info in before getting to the video of the ride.  Jim made mention that I have only used rock style music in my previous videos.  You see, he is a HUGE fan of country music.  Well my friend! This ones for you! ENJOY!!! ;)

Cowtown Motorcycle Group: Road to the Toad 2013


  1. Looks like a great ride.

    Becky and I always like finding new people to ride with. There are so many groups to ride with; never feel pinned down to any one group.

    1. That was my thought as well, riding with other groups also opens more destination choices that we can pick and choose from.
