Sunday, March 30, 2014

Fort Worth Art Dealers Association Spring Gallery Night

Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day to get the bikes rolling somewhere. Margaret has a friend named Jessica who is an artist and had invited us to an art exhibition where she had been invited to show her work. This is an event sponsored by the Fort Worth Art Dealers Association and provides an opportunity for local artists to get their work noticed. The art event called Spring Gallery Night had over 30 locations around Fort Worth and into Arlington that you can tour between and see or buy different styles and types of local art.

The site we went to was named Fort Works Art and was situation just South of downtown Fort Worth in a business district. It was a warehouse that had been turned into an art showroom for the artists attending. We didn't know what to expect since we've never been to one of these events before. We arrived at 3 pm and already the gallery was busy. Doughboys Pizza Truck was onsite and fired up ready to serve. We talked with the owners for awhile who were super friendly and they let me take their picture with their food truck. I want to point out their added artistic feature which accompanied the art event that was on the back of the truck which they called "The Dark Slice of the Moon" as a spin off from "The Dark Side of the Moon" Pink Floyd album.

We entered the gallery and found Jessica Barst and spent some time with her seeing her art. There was a bar where you could purchase wine or specialty beers to drink while you socialized and viewed the artwork. We wandered around taking in all of the art, judging between ourselves what we liked or didn't. It was interesting to have a better understanding that art truly is a personal expression and invokes a personal reaction in each individual. Where I might like a specific picture or sculpture, Margaret might have a totally different view and like something that I might not. As each work of art is an extension of the artist so is the reaction created within each viewer.

As we exited the gallery the DoughBoys were pumping out the pizzas. There was a line of 20 people deep outside their truck ready to munch on their food. We didn't want to head home right away seeing as it was so beautiful out so we rode north to Rhome, TX to visit my sister and brother-in-law for awhile. The art show was interesting and provided us with a unique destination and activity for the afternoon. We had a great time, took some pictures, talked with friends, and got a good taste of local art.

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